
Season with the Drill Crew: 5th

Occupation: Student

Hometown: Calgary

What is your dance/performance background? I was a competitive dancer until I was around 12 years old! Then I began all-star cheerleading which I pursued for 4 years.

What is your favourite part about being on the Drill Crew Dance Team? Dancing in front of such an energetic and lively crowd with the most amazing group of girls!

What song gets you pumped up on game days?  Metallica’s Enter Sandman is the song that plays before the players run out onto the field, and it always gets me super hyped!

What is your favourite style of dance? Jazz

What’s one thing you cannot live without? Iced coffee

What’s your favorite local charity or non-profit organization? AARCS – Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society

What are your proudest accomplishments? My Bachelor of Science in mathematics is definitely one of my proudest accomplishments.

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